Investing in Ukrainian MilTech Startups: Opportunities and Risks

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, over 40 startups have approached me seeking investment, with the aim of solving military problems.

Despite my interest in supporting my homeland, I have only invested in one of these startups.

The reason being that investing in startups that are likely to fail DOES NOT BRING THE VICTORY ANY CLOSER. Continue reading “Investing in Ukrainian MilTech Startups: Opportunities and Risks”

My article @ European AI Alliance: The War in Ukraine and AI Regulation: Some Controversial Takeaways

Originally the  article  was published @   European AI Alliance

Since the beginning of the war, I have often been asked what The Expert Committee on Artificial Intelligence is doing now.

Are we still doing policy-making?

Certainly not.

Since the committee is a social institution, the same thing happened to it as to the rest of the other healthy structures during the war – it was urgently reorganized and focused on solving the main problem of the country.

Therefore, some members of the committee are now in the front-line trenches. Continue reading “My article @ European AI Alliance: The War in Ukraine and AI Regulation: Some Controversial Takeaways”