The Future of Augmented Reality infrastructure (Software and Hardware)

This year I decided not to speak in front of the big audience as the time losses on preparation and travel are huge.

Nevertheless, my client have asked me to have a private conversation with a very special group of people on the topic “What stack of technologies we need to have in order to lead in the AR field in the upcoming 10 years.”  Continue reading “The Future of Augmented Reality infrastructure (Software and Hardware)”

About new channels that distribute and “install” new worldview programs

One hundred years ago the worldview was “installed” on “people” mainly through two main information channels:

– Education systems (school, university, church);

– Personal experience (practice, books, family, environment).

If at that time you developed any “add-ons” to the prevailing worldview system, wanted to offer a fundamentally new system of worldviews or modify the emphasis in the existing, then you would have to negotiate this with the church or the state (represented by the monarch), who were the owners/censors of the main distribution channels. Continue reading “About new channels that distribute and “install” new worldview programs”

Physically Passive Augmented Reality

Physically Passive Augmented Reality

I’m writing this short post on September 19, 2017 at the heart of the marketing hurricane raised by ARKit and ARCore for mobile phones, but still I hope to be heard :=)

Since 2010, we at Augmented Pixels, Inc. have tested a lot of UI / UX hypotheses in Augmented Reality (from the AR Basketball game, which was featured by Apple, to the furniture store in Augmented Reality (AR), AR Browser and Pokemon Go analogs) and in the end came to one trivial conclusion:

Because Augmented Reality applications usually require physical movements (standing up – bending over – walking and so on), users very quickly stop using them REPEATEDLY if they do not receive either a good dose of endorphin or do not see the HIGHEST utility from the mobile phone application, the use of which requires increased calorie burning (let’s face it, this is a fairly rational behavior in biological terms). Continue reading “Physically Passive Augmented Reality”

Parasitism in social groups and knowledge exchange

Each of us whether we want it or not belongs to different social groups.

Types of such groups are extremely diverse – the community of parents of same cass pupils, council of the charity foundation, society of amateur fishermen, Freemasons society, that is building plans to seize world domination, etc. ;=)

We stay in most of these groups for personal pleasure and we invest relatively small money / part of personal time.

Therefore, we do not waste time on a critical analysis of the rest of the group and just enjoy being in such group …. or we leave it – becoming a member of the majority of social groups does not cost a thing.

However, there are groups which we enter to achieve specific goals, exchange communications and knowledge that is valuable to us + the very fact of joining such groups costs us significant time and financial resources. Continue reading “Parasitism in social groups and knowledge exchange”

2D Symbols are Obsolete and Should be Reinvented for Augmented and Virtual Reality

2D Symbols are Obsolete and Should be Reinvented for Augmented and Virtual Reality

In 2011, my team of designers with extensive experience in developing for mobile platforms started developing the first interfaces for augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications.

After a series of tests, we realized that the simple transfer of experience from 2D UI/ UX design into the field of 3D virtual reality and augmented reality does not work; at that time I wrote an article “Future belongs to Augmented Reality and 3D interfaces”.

Moreover, the utility and usability of interfaces in virtual reality and augmented reality are fundamentally different and even the experience of interface design for 3D games does not play a big role and should not be considered relevant.

Continue reading “2D Symbols are Obsolete and Should be Reinvented for Augmented and Virtual Reality”

Virtual Reality is just a Subtrend of Augmented Reality… in Our Current “Life Concept“

In 2015-2016 I have been observing a huge buzz in media around Virtual Reality (VR).

It seems that Virtual Reality is literally everywhere while Augmented Reality is receding.

But actually it is not true.

Of course, if we were planning to switch to a concept of life shown below,


the development of virtual reality technology would be a key priority.

Continue reading “Virtual Reality is just a Subtrend of Augmented Reality… in Our Current “Life Concept“”

Will employers “hire” neural networks /robots instead of Harvard/Stanford students?

July 9-10, 2016 – was a wonderful and very interesting weekend: on Saturday I organized the Eastern European Computer Vision Conference, and on Sunday I held a private event for 20 people with INCOSE Russian chapter research director to discuss the burning issues in the field of Systems Engineering.

A lot of conclusions after such intellectual weekend have been made.

The most interesting of those that can be published is the following:

The education system in the last years has been actively discussing issues of reforms and changes in teaching methods, but nothing really revolutionary has been offered – it is mainly the “imitation” of changes and reforms.

Why do I think so? Continue reading “Will employers “hire” neural networks /robots instead of Harvard/Stanford students?”

RoboCommunism in the USA?

I was born in the Soviet Union and still remember that before 1991 there were futile attempts of society organization according to Karl Marx’s sayings.


But people did not survive the 75-year-old experiment and during 5 years(1986-91) destroyed the system of fake communism and started creating the wild capitalism by copying the available simplified models and ruthlessly instilling its (capitalistic) qualities and meanings to all levels of society.

Continue reading “RoboCommunism in the USA?”